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 Bishop John Robinson C of E Primary School Thamesmead

Bishop John Robinson C of E Primary School Thamesmead

Be the best we can. Join in learning, play and prayer. Remember God's word.


History intent

At Bishop John Robinson CofE Primary we want our children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

We believe that high quality history lessons inspire children to want to know more about the past, to think and act as historians and to love History.

Our curriculum is planned to stimulate children’s curiosity about the past and a desire to know more about it. In order to achieve this, we aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for History, providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that encompasses British values throughout and is fully inclusive.

Through linking learning to a range of topics, we teach children a sense of chronology and through this they develop a sense of identity. We teach historical knowledge and provide opportunities for interpreting events in history thus enabling children to understand how events in the past have influenced our lives today. Our historical investigations develop the children’s skills of enquiry, analysis and problem solving.

The knowledge and skills gained in each year group in History lessons is built upon as the children progress through Early Years and each Key Stage. Our children have real life experiences and learn about history in an active and creative way. Children are given the opportunity and support to undertake challenging activities and high-quality research into history topics at every level. We embrace opportunities to link History to other curriculum areas wherever possible.

It is our intention that by the end of their time at BJR, children have built an overview of Britain’s past, that of the wider world and that they have developed the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to undertake the History curriculum in Key Stage 3 confidently and enthusiastically.