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 Bishop John Robinson C of E Primary School Thamesmead

Bishop John Robinson C of E Primary School Thamesmead

Be the best we can. Join in learning, play and prayer. Remember God's word.

Spring 1 and 2

Find out what we have been doing this Half Term

In Thankfulness Class our books this term have been written by Julia Donaldson.

We have been reading the books Tiddler, The Gruffalo and The Griffalo's Child. We have rewritten the stories, written invitations and diaries from the perspective of one of the characters.

We have learnt lots in our phonics and are enjoying our daily shared reading.  We have been reading our Shared Readers (read them at home using the phonics portal) and are working hard on our blending.

We have learnt lots in Maths. We are now able to recognise 2D and 3D shapes, can compare and contrast numbers, add and subtract, count in 2s, 5s and 10s and are beginning to multiply.

We have learnt about the history of transport, the Jewish Religion, ourselves and have been making structures. 

We have continued to develop our safe use of scissors and our pencil grip.